Friday, February 4, 2011

I want a guy.

I want a guy who is worth my time.

I want a guy who thinks I am worth their time.

I want him to have a nice ass, dimples would be cool too, but the ass is a must have.

He needs to be tall.He should have to bend a little to kiss me, and you should want to do that a lot.

Nice arms would be a plus as well, but God knows I look better with clothes, so I'm certainly not looking for perfection in all eyes, just mine.

I want him to be awesome in bed, as awesome as me, and even more awesome out of it.

I want a guy who doesnt lie. Open and honest, wow wht a concept, white lies to your boss, ex, kid, Mom, friend, barber, grocery clerk... whatever if you feel that need. But.. I would rather be hurt by honesty than a lie any day of the week.

I want him to be "young"... not like rob the cradle young, Hell no. But not in retirement either. Please dont look closer to my Dads age than mine. And worse yet.. think closer to my Dad's age than mine.

I want him to dance. To anything. 50 cent, take me to the candy shop... or something slow with no singing.

I want him to be prompt.

I need him to be funny, able to take teasing & sarcasm... and to think both are fun.

Again I need him to be awesome in bed. Really. and I dont want any of this performence anxiety bullshit. If we are that close that i'm going to have sex with you, you better not be anxious about a damn thing.

It doesnt have to be huge.. not tiny is good. Enough. Not too much.. not too little... juuuust... enough.

I want a guy with some class. But not so much your a snob.

I want a guy who wants to go places, and takes me with him.
The video store, the mall, Mexico, whatever. Just please know what a date is...
Bob Evans on date #2? Really?

I want a guy... whose phone I could touch... ooo... big one there.

I want a guy who drinks once in a while... with me.

And last... that sex thing.
