Monday, May 2, 2011


My Ex is THE most talented man in the sack I have ever met. His ability to "come in pieces" amazes me even almost 2 years later...


Male Multiple O's are glorious.

Not only that but his cock... it fits me perfectly. Long, as thick as my wrist, and it has the most delicious bend to the left.

And when he whispers... "are you ready to cum?"..."I'm going to make you cum now..." and then.. HE DOES... it still catches me by surprise... he twists his hips exactly the right way...


Tanya Stephens has more than one song which fits this man... maybe it's a Jamaican thing... but today, right now... I dedicate this one lol... ;)

I really need to stay away from him when I'm horny.
But its hard to feel too badly at the moment.. heh. right now I just feel... completely satisfied.
Yay me.